Registration forms should be completed and returned with a nonrefundable $100 registration fee before your child may begin.
All forms must be filled out and submitted for both new and returning students. Spaces are limited for Scheduled Extended Care and request forms will be honored in the order in which received.
Completed forms and documents, with signature(s), should be submitted in one of the following ways:
Email: Stephanie LaGuardia at
Mail: Episcopal Day School, 193 Old Greenville Hwy., Clemson SC 29631
Delivery: Place in the EDS Mailbox located beside the school entry doors
General Record and Statement of Child’s Health for Admission (DSS Form 2900)
SC Certificate of Immunization or Exemption (must be on SC DHEC form – click here for required standards)
2024-2025 Handbook – Read the entire handbook, then sign Acknowledgement page.
Scheduled Extended Care (2025-2026) (Required for Full Time Option, otherwise optional based on need.)
Illnesses that require a child be kept out of school are noted on pages 18-20 of the Handbook, the Handbook Addendum and in further detail within the DHEC Exclusion List.